A lot has happened in a year. Not even within a year! Since relocating back to Scotland from Australia, we are moving again. This time closer, but on different sides of the country. I’ve moved from the west coast to the east coast with our family and hope that soon things will settle. Our lives have been adapting to change for some time and now…I just want to breathe, settle, and have a proper space to create my art and nurture my family. The Art Of Healing : How Being Creative Helped Me…
I’ve been thinking recently, we all have these stages in life – where everything feels like it’s going down the drain and then another problem presents itself. We act – multitasking, reacting to the situation and just get through it. We all go through this, or…we all will.
Apart from the family side of things, the upheaval of moving countries and not having a full-time home for the year – has left me amazed at how I’ve kept up with creativity. Or I should say, my creativity has kept up with me. My writing has continued every day (well – most days). I am writing a new novel and I’m not far off finishing the first draft. I write my blog and post it every week. And I am editing the second book in the Arlochy series – due for release this summer. I say this not to brag or ask for a pat on the back, but more to marvel at how, even amidst the turmoil, my art is still there.
All in all – my creativity hasn’t suffered. If anything – it’s thriving.
Art is Therapy
They say art can heal us. I agree, I didn’t really think about it until now. But I have been able to process my feelings through writing. It shows up even if I’m not paying attention. I could be writing a scene and a character says something I realise I’ve been processing myself.
Writing this blog has helped me big time too. Each week I talk about creativity, self care, productivity, motivation, inspiration, mindset – these are all areas I am dealing with now.
If I didn’t write, then I would need to journal more. Talking helps and having that connection with someone. But I don’t realise how I really feel until I’ve put it down into words.
Don’t be afraid of writing down how you’re feeling and what has happened with your day – even if you think it’s rather meaningless. It’s not. The act of keeping track of your thoughts and feelings can help you process them, even if you don’t realise it.
Juggling All The Balls, To Watch Them Fall
Some seasons feel so hectic. I feel I have been in a hectic season for 3 years, reacting to issues and trying my best to solve them with ease. Multitasking to the max!
But it’s time to loosen the grip.
Settle. Breathe.
So, I am letting myself settle into our new home. I am putting priority on my child, to keep him reassured through this process, and through that action, nurturing me, too. For I need to mother myself. We all do from time to time.
My creativity is not a priority, but I think it will pour out of me, regardless. Not that I am taking it for granted, and being cocky that I will always be creative…absolutely not – I know creativity can fizzle away when we strive for it. But there is still so much going on in my head that I need to write. I’ll not make tidying the boxes cluttering the hallway a priority either, or scouring the shops for lamps and bedside tables. That will all sort itself in time. For now, it’s welcoming peace and always staying curious – learning about my new home and adapting to it all in a gentle way.
If you enjoyed this, have a look at my previous posts such as:
– You don’t need to be ‘one thing’ for everyone else
I absolutely agree! Creativity comes at unexpected moments. We’ve just got to make the most of it no matter what is going on at the time. I really hope you enjoy your new location and please keep writing 🙂