We have never had so much information around us, but sometimes it’s wearying. To shut it out when you want calm and inspiration is the only way, but how do you do it in a way that doesn’t leave you ignorant of the world? Trying to manage your consumption can be impossible sometimes, here’s what I’m dealing with… Information overwhelm when you just want inspiration.
Seeking inspiration between projects
If you’ve been following my last blog, you’ll see I just finished a novel and also handed over another novel to my editor for her edits (click here to read that post – Between creative projects), all this means I have a little more time on my hands. Not to say I have loads of time, but the slots of time I’ve done my best to create and stick to, are still there – and now it’s what I do with them.
It’s taken me almost a week not to feel guilty about taking time to rest. I feel I must work, I must start a new novel, amp up my marketing, get going already! But I know inside, deep inside – a voice, a feeling is telling me I need time to be:
Time to enjoy things.
Time to look around.
Time to witness life and all the beautiful things around me.
These moments I won’t see if I plow myself back into another goal.
Writing can be very hard work. Using that muscle in your brain to come up with ideas can leave you drained, so it’s important to fill your creative cup.
So for the past week I have been going out on walks, writing morning pages, doing yoga, reading books and listening to music and podcasts. I am trying. But I’m finding it really difficult to relax and settle on something. My mind jumps onto the next thing. If I’m listening to a podcast or watching a YouTube video on writing, halfway through I look at the time I have left, and either skip further into the video to get the ‘message’, or I find another video I think might be better.
I’m skimming…never settling on anything.
Information FOMO
There is so much information out there, that I see myself darting from one thing to the next. Not fully listening. Not fully present. A part of me is already wondering if I’m wasting my time. Which puts a lot of pressure on everything I consume – not everything I consume is going to inspire me, or give me some insight into life that I could use in my writing. I’m critical of everything, which leaves me unable to take in anything. It’s like I’m flicking through channel after channel, and all there are, are ads!
I feel I should watch and listen to something better .
But how do you know something is better? Is it all down to me seeking instant gratification?
Yesterday I pushed myself to listen to music. I miss those days before the internet was so..well consuming! Perhaps it has been for many years, but I definitely see a change in how I consume it – from about 2019 I have put more of my energy online, and it’s only getting worse. I miss how I would watch costume dramas, sit through a whole series, or even an episode (much harder to do after having a child!), and I would listen to uplifting classical soundtracks. I felt transported, in my own happy place where everything was blissfully wondrous and inspiring. My mind was content, it felt free, stretched, in love, like walking through a bluebell wood on a spring morning, just me and a magical flame stuck within me.
Silly I know. I don’t know how to explain in – but it was peaceful.
Now I can’t settle on anything. Perhaps it’s because my life has changed so much since then, motherhood has gripped me, so I can’t saunter off into the wild with only my music, and sketch pad for company. But, I don’t think I can purely blame being a mother for this. It’s the current climate too, everyone is consuming. And it’s my responsibility to be more disciplined in what I’m actually consuming.
Creating Boundaries
As boring as this sounds, I think it’s time to reduce what I’m consuming. I have loads of podcasts I’ve signed up to, but I think each time I go into my app, I scroll through them all then, every time only listen to the same ones I listen to regularly. So I’m going to stop following YouTube videos I never look at, podcasts, and even emails that come through I don’t know them. I think this will help a little, to clear the decks so to speak and stop me feeling so overwhelmed.
Take the pressure off
I need to stop seeking something every time I consume. Take television for example, it’s pretty bad out there; I mean even just wanting to be entertained is hard! But I can’t control this. I need to let go, try things out. Stay curious, not so uptight to know I’m being inspired and creatively fulfilled all the time.
Going back
Before I said I adored costume dramas, so I’m going to treat myself and dip into those again. It may be difficult to even sit still, since I’m so used to listening to a 10 minute podcast to get the information I need. But It’s not about info, it’s about being transported – which those do to me.
I hope this has inspired you to listen to what your needs are. You may feel overwhelmed too and suffering information FOMO. You’re not alone. Just tap into what filled your creative cup once before, and that might mean looking back to many years in the past, and detangling yourself from the current routines you’ve made for yourself. Good luck!
Do you feel a bit lost after finishing a creative project? Where do you direct that energy?
If you enjoyed this, have a look at my previous posts such as – Don’t wait until it’s too late – get creatively unblocked now
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