With it being the start of February, I have only just started ‘thinking’ of my goals for the year. Goals are important but sometimes it can get overwhelming to make my goals ‘good’ goals. It’s difficult to know what you want for a variety of reasons. But let’s cut through it all – How To Make Goals When You Don’t Know What You Want?
It’s all very well to just make up some goals for the year, and not really know if you want them at all. We are surrounded by noise everyday, everything and everyone trying to grab our attention. We may look at others and compare our lives to them. Those people may have everything we want, and it’s easy to want to copy them – their path is already mapped out. I’m guilty of this too! I look at other authors, creatives, mums and think – I want that…If only I could be like that, I’d be really happy. But our journeys are so different, there is no way to replicate someone else’s journey…because you are not them, and they are not you.
So save yourself the time by getting distracted by what’s outide you, and focus within.
How To Make Goals When You Don’t Know What You Want?
It can be difficult to know what you want for a variety of reasons.
Lack of self-awareness:
You may have spent little time reflecting on your values, interests, and goals, and may not have a clear sense of what you want from life.
Life circumstances:
Your current circumstances may make it difficult for you to explore interests or set long-term goals. Are you in between jobs, or have a young family? You put off planning anything as you feel you don’t know what’s happening next month let alone the next year!
Fear of failure and lack of confidence:
Are you afraid of failing to achieve your goals that you avoid setting them in the first place?
Do you lack confidence to achieve your goals? This may stem from your upbringing or a result from your current surroundings.
All these factors can affect your decision making. And that’s OK…it’s understandable. Do any of the above resonate with you? The first step is to address why you struggle to make goals.
It’s OK to not get it right, as long as you try – that’s the most important step.
Make The Time
It can be challenging to find time to explore what you want from life when you have a lot of other responsibilities and commitments. It can also feel rather self-indulgent, that you have nothing better to do than sit around and ‘find yourself’. But try to shut all those negative voices, it’s better to make time to get to know your wants and needs rather than binge watching some reality show that you have no interest in!
Here are 3 small actions to get the ball rolling initially on how to make time to figure out what you want from life:
Prioritize self-reflection:
Set aside small blocks of time, to reflect on your values and priorities. Consider what brings you joy and fulfillment, and what you want your life to look like in the long term.
Make the most of your free time:
Take advantage of any free time you have, even if it’s just a few minutes here and there, to explore your interests and passions.
Take small steps:
Don’t feel like you have to figure everything out all at once. Instead, focus on taking small steps towards exploring your interests and finding out what you want from life. Every little bit of progress can help you get closer to your goals.
I’m Taking Things Slow
I haven’t got this figured out myself, but what I’m not going to do is just pick something. I’m taking my time, not giving in to what everyone else is doing. January is thought of as the month to plan, but this month has been busier than I anticipated. It has not been slow! I actually can’t believe where the time went. But because it’s been busy, I am postponing my goal planning.
We don’t need to rush this, it doesn’t need to be started before February and our goals to be achieved by the end of the year. In my opinion, that rigidness does not allow the spontaneity and flexibility for achieving goals. What I mean to do is enjoy this creative ‘time out’. But it’s not easy, especially when you don’t know what you want…
How To Make Goals When You Don’t Know What You Want?
When you’re able to make space for your thoughts, here’s a few steps you can take to help clarify your goals:
Reflect on your values:
Take some time to think about what’s important to you in life. What are your core values and priorities? Consider what you want your life to look like in the long term and what you want to achieve.
Explore your interests:
Think about what interests you and what activities bring you joy and fulfillment? What are you naturally good at? Your interests and strengths can be a good starting point for identifying potential goals.
Set small, achievable goals:
Once you have a general idea of what you want to achieve, start by setting small, achievable goals. This can help you build momentum and confidence as you work towards your larger goals.
Enjoy The Process
Making plans and goals doesn’t need to be rigid – it’s okay to adjust your goals as needed if you feel your wants have changed. This is not something to take too seriously, enjoy the trip! Oh and make sure to celebrate small victories along the way, have fun with this!
Be patient, you don’t need to get this all figured out at the start of the year. What is important is you’ve started to question what will make you happy. Finding out what you want from life can take time. Remember that it’s okay to take your time and explore different options before making any decisions. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t have all the answers right away. It’s okay to explore different options before making any decisions.
Have you wanted to make goals but found it difficult? Don’t be hard on yourself! Do you want to make goals for this year or for longer?
If you enjoyed this, have a look at my previous posts such as: – Why you need to stop proving yourself to others
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