It is a fact that if we write down our goals we are more likely to achieve them. But what to do if you don’t know what you want and how to plan your goals? Step Into Your Better Self With Simple Planning, let’s delve in!
Feeling stuck? Check out my previous post in this ‘Goal Planning’ 3-part series – Get Unstuck: How To Move Forward
Why Is Planning Scary?
Word association – goal setting and planning can make some people pumped and ready for action, and make others come out in a cold sweat. I hear the words Goals and Plans and I’m part of the latter group. It fills me with a dread, that I never really noticed until now, with writing this blog post. It makes me feel that I have gone back to school and whatever I write down (even though they are MY goals!) – will be wrong or ‘incorrect’. Cue the teacher giving me a telling off in front of the class and I am to start all over again. I’m not sure why this lurks, but some words can do this.
So for me, I am using the below words.
Goals = my desires, my intentions
Plan = my dream map
But maybe to avoid confusion, I’ll stick to the common words for this blog post.
Do You Have Goals?
If you have no idea of what you would like for your life – you’re undecided and the idea of planning right now scares you? Then go to my blog Get Unstuck:How To Move Forward In Your Life.
Don’t worry, we’ll still be here.
…Are you back? OK great!
Once you have ideas in your head, and feeling excited about the next part then try the below..
Take a notebook or a scrap of paper and write down 3-5 things you would like achieve in the next year/2 years/3 years/or 5 years. Whichever time feels right for you.
Are these realistic goals? Do you believe they could happen if you make steps towards them?
Some examples:
I want to live in the country: I want to work for myself: I want to have a healthier lifestyle.
Use these goals you have listed, and imagine yourself this time next year (or whatever time-frame you have decided on):
Picture yourself waking up on a normal morning – what do you hear, smell, see? Be descriptive and visualise yourself in this dream life that these goals have come true. Write down how you feel:
“I woke up to the sounds of birds this morning and walked through to my new kitchen to make a cup of tea. I could see the birds fluttering outside the window, and in the distance I can see the fields with cows. It’s so beautiful here, I can’t believe we live in the country! I drink my tea and look at my emails from clients – I’m thrilled to be getting paid for doing what I love, I think to myself as I go into our office space that overlooks our garden, where I do my yoga every afternoon. I feel fit and healthy, and can’t wait to start the day.”
Get even more descriptive! Visualise your day and get excited.
Step Into Your Better Self With Simple Planning
– Next Steps
After making your 3-5 goals, and writing down what a typical day would look like for you. The key now is to stay in this state of excitement and what will keep you feeling good about your goals. Below are ways to keep you focused on these goals, all the while cultivating a positive mindset.
- Journal – Whether it be gratitude journaling or a brain dump each day – writing down your thoughts can help you greatly. Gratitude journaling will make you focus on the positives in your life and a brain dump helps you clear out any negativity.
- Surround yourself with positive imagery – why not make your laptop screensaver a beautiful image you see for yourself. Create a Pinterest mood board of images you want your life to be, and why not use Canva to create a desktop collage!
- Pin up inspiring quotes that keep you motivated – put them on the fridge, your bathroom door, your bed side table, where-ever!
If you find the above steps useful, keep an eye out for my next post to take you to the next level – Reaching Your Goals With An Easy Strategy
Pin for later – Step Into Your Better Self With Simple Planning
What About You?
Are you a planner? Have you found ways that encourage simple planning?
If you enjoyed this, have a look at my previous posts such as How To Manifest The Life You Want
Till next time, dear reader.
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