Christmas time is often thought to be the pinnacle of the year – the final hurrah before the year’s closing: an opportunity to see friends and family that you haven’t seen all year. It is a special time – however there can be so much pressure put on one particular day. I look at how I’ll be creating a slow & simple Christmas this year.
“It’s the most wonderful time of year” so the song says… and it can be, but do we put too much on Christmas?
We can cram so much in a few days, leaving us dizzy from family obligations, food shopping, present shopping, work parties… It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos!
I suggest you take a breath and enjoy these moments. Slow, conscious, intentional Christmas, removing the stress and allow yourself to relax.
This year I am away from family. It is the first year that it will only be myself, my husband and our baby. But rather than be sad of what we don’t have, I’m excited to make the most of what we do have. This is an opportunity to create and test out slow and simple Christmas traditions.
Christmas stress and anxiety
There can be a lot of stresses centred around the big day: family dinner’s – discussions with drunk relatives on conflicting politics, making sure the turkey and all the trimmings don’t shrivel into a heap like the Griswold family’s in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It can all be a bit much!
According to Relationships Australia’s recent surveys – Christmas is considered as one of the six most stressful events in a person’s life, the other stresses include moving house, changing jobs and divorce.
Women experience stress and anxiety around Christmas, more than men. In the UK, a study found more that 51% of women admitted to this.
We don’t need to be putting anymore stress and obligations on ourselves. We can change our mindset and how we spend our time.
How to get through the difficult situations at Christmas
Time out. Go for a small walk, a stroll in the garden, – take some moments to be in your own space.
Breathe. Take three deep breaths in and out. Be conscious of your breath in your chest, throat, nose and steer your mind away from everything else. Relax your body.
Mindfulness & gratitude. Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. If you are having a particular challenging day, focus on what has been special – the smiles on the children’s faces as they opened presents, the refreshing crisp air outside, honoured to be surrounded by family etc.
Creating A Slow & Simple Christmas This Year
These are slow, seasonal and simple ideas you can incorporate in the run-up to your Christmas festivities
Focus on mindfulness, turn away from stress!
Decorate the tree one afternoon. Make a hot chocolate or mulled wine and put on some relaxing Christmas music (I recommend Nat King Cole). Enjoy this moment, whether it be by yourself or with the family. Consider previous memories of decorating the tree, and don’t overdo things – the tree doesn’t need to be perfect – it’s about the intention!
Bake something festive and simple – nothing to do with preparations for Christmas day, this is just a treat for you to enjoy. I like Scottish tablet, peppermint bites, or yo-yo’s. Something simple to bake, but oh-so delicious to eat!
Watch a Christmas film – the cheesier the better as this might be the only time you’ll have the excuse. I do enjoy a ridiculously soppy Hallmark Christmas movie.
Journal at the end of the day – acknowledge what you are grateful for (this act has a huge benefit to your outlook on life and happiness, and it could be something you read the following Christmas…so try not to overlook it)
And one more thing…
This is a special time, if like me you are spending it away from family – I encourage you to make the most of this brief time. Even though it’s sad to be away from loved ones, this is just another day but a day you can enjoy and remember with gratitude. Try to not get caught up in the usual Christmas rush, take a step back and slow down. You can make your own new slow and simple Christmas traditions.
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What About You?
Have you created your own simple and slow traditions for Christmas?
If you enjoyed this, have a look at my previous posts such as Easy Old Halloween Traditions For Own Your Own Celebrations
Until next time, dear reader.
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