Have you wanted to write a blog or book but can never find time? Or maybe you want to finally take action on that creative venture you’ve been thinking about doing for years? Whatever it is, I want to help you track and become focused in your goal by taking Small Daily Steps To Be More Productive.
There is always something that will take away our time – our jobs, social media, the news, family – and on top off all that there’s the everyday ‘must-do’s’ – making breakfasts, lunches, dinners, house cleaning, washing, making sure your family is content, taking dog for a walk….. the list can go on.
It is only after you have completed your jobs, that you can you start that creative venture, right?
I’m sorry to break this to you, but you will never get around to do the ‘thing’ you desperately want to do. You need to make the time, not wait for the time to appear.
The Cult Of Productivity
I don’t want to put pressure on you and add another ‘thing’ you must do. I understand there is a major productivity movement right now – we are bombarded with ‘side hustles’ and encouraged to make the most of every scrap of time and energy we have in order to do something productive.
I don’t want to be another voice echoing in the chamber, bringing more stress by adding another ‘thing’ you must do.
If you feel annoyed with your time management, that you find you are taking it out on others? Then let’s look at taking Small Daily Steps To Be More Productive
Why Are You Reluctant To Pursue Productivity
Fear. Fear is a recurring theme lurking behind any hesitancy. If you are afraid to take control and do that ‘thing’ you want to do – then you become vulnerable…
What if I fail?
What will people think?
Fear of the unknown…
If I do the ‘thing’ – what will happen if I’m successful?
By untangling the reasons why you’re not as productive as you’d like, you might be surprised to find that it’s due to fear, rather than having no time to do it. Does this ring true with you?
Not Sure What You Want To Do? But Know You Want To Do Something?
Perhaps you want to have your own business or invest time in a creative outlet/interest?
Or maybe you just don’t know yet and want help?
Here’s A Tip To Find Your Interest
I suggest getting a notepad and using a two-page spread:
- Write down things you have enjoyed doing in your work/personal life
For example:
Speaking to people on phone, taking photographs, writing newsletters, editing videos for social media.
- Then on the other page try to dissect what aspects you particularly like from your list. Brain storm what you enjoy.
For example:
Connecting with others, being in nature, putting my personality into words.
Start To Think How To Be More Productive
Start by taking small steps. The key here, is to start!
Look at your day of any times that might be flexible. Do you have naps times? Look at how much time you could have during each nap time.
Perhaps wake ten minutes before everyone wakes?
Could you squeeze in ten minutes after the kids have gone to bed at night?
Or perhaps you could look at how much TV you are watching every evening – could this be cut down every night/or every other night?
It’s about intention, so if you are absent mindlessly watching Netflix every night for two hours, wouldn’t it be more satisfying if you dedicated an hour every second night to your productive task, then the nights you do watch Netflix you are consciously relaxing and intentionally watching something – rather than scrolling through your phone and watching the TV – not being present in either.
Once you have an idea of what a typical week looks for you, you can start to devise a plan….
Small Daily Ways To Be More Productive
The night before, plan your pockets of time and what you will do within these:
For example, writing a blog –
Morning before kids wake (15 min) – Title and start to draft blog post
Morning nap (45 mins) – Write blog post and check typos
Afternoon nap (45 mins) – Find images and alter on Canva for social media
Evening (15 min) – schedule blog post for social media platforms.
That evening you plan for the next day..
Important side note to being productive
There are 2 main points you need to consider here:
- Any pockets of time, no matter how small can be turned into productive time. Something is better than nothing, and even ten minutes every day can bring you closer to your goal. Taking steps no matter how small will move you ahead. I managed to write a book in the months postpartum by spending 15 minutes each day to write (even when I was exhausted and didn’t feel I had anything in me to write)
- Do not be hard on yourself – if your child is not sleeping, maybe teething – developmental stages or you are exhausted – know that you are doing your best, you can always plan for another day. The important thing is you’re trying and you will get there, if not today then tomorrow.
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What About You?
Are you productive? Have you found your own daily steps to be more productive?
If you enjoyed this, have a look at my previous posts such as How To Face Your Fear & Put Yourself Out There..
Till next time, dear reader.
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