Psst over here!
Hello you!
Yes you!
I think it’s just us two for now, I hope that’s OK?
These blog posts can be such a drag if I’m just talking to myself. So thanks for stopping by, it’s nice to see you! I hope you’ll stick around…
How am I? That’s quite a question, and not one I can easily answer with a ‘fine thanks’. But I appreciate you asking!
My Story
I’ve recently been trying to find direction after having a baby. It’s very much a life changing affair, one I absolutely want to embrace, but I don’t want to let go the old part of myself. Do you struggle with this also? My identity was wrapped up in where I came from, my family, the music I loved and the work I did. But now, things are different and I find it difficult to move forward. Who am I?
These reflections had haunted me even during the last stages of pregnancy and I knew I needed to do something that was ‘me’ from the start of motherhood. I had carved out the little time I had over several months to write a novel, and it was such an achievement that I’m proud of myself for sticking to it – even through days without showering, covered in spit-up and existing on a whisper of sleep. I’m delighted to say I’ve finished my first draft of the novel, even if there is still much more to do! Anyway, I have been inspired to look into other creative paths, giving myself some time to venture down – and perhaps give you lessons I’ve learned along the way.
My truth
I have hummed and hawed (or hemmed and hawed for US readers) about writing a blog, and each time I go round and round in circles. My criticising inner voice muttering – ‘but what would you write about?” “Who would be interested?” “…well apart from your mum, who else would read it?” This unhelpful voice has stayed with me for as long as I can remember and I plan to remove it from my being altogether! But one step at a time ….
I had spent years writing a blog for my fashion brand, which I loved doing – but eventually I wrote myself into a corner. I struggled to write about relevant articles relating to dressmaking and designing that I was stumped what to talk about in the end!
So this time round I am determined to create a blog that encompasses everything I want to talk about. A blog that will follow and grow with me, in the hopes that I might share lessons learned and fun creative pursuits along the way.
Yes, I am an author – but that’s not all that I am.
Yes I am a designer/dressmaker – but that’s not all that I am.
Yes I am a mother – but that’s not all that I am.
What to expect from this blog
I want to delve into creativity, self care and well-being. I want to encourage and motivate you to explore different aspects and help you focus on what you want. I want to give a safe space, to offer kindness and a nurturing hand, inspiring you to follow the path you want to pursue, whilst keeping good care of mind and body.
So…no pressure then! Not a big task to undertake… (That sarcastic inner voice again!)
Right well, better get started – let’s see where the journey takes us both, dear reader!
Until next time
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